Solana: The star of blockchain

Harsha Johny
Feb 29, 2024


In blockchain’s realm, a bright star ascends,

Solana named, its brilliance transcends.

Speeding past limits, a network so free,

Proof of History, it’s key.

Defi thrives, with SOL as its guide,

Serum’s magic, problems subside.

Solarians gather, with passion ablaze,

Building the future, in a digital daze.

Rust and C sing, in programmers’ hands,

Smart contracts dance, on Sealevel’s sand.

Star Atlas whispers, of worlds yet unseen,

Solanaart’s canvas, is vibrant and keen.

More than a star, a cosmos untold,

Innovation’s song, in stories, unfold.

So raise a glass, to the future it brings,

Solana’s light, where hope brightly sings.

